Welcome to Dancers With Woofs!

Dancers with Woofs is a non-profit group. Our mission is to enhance the teamwork and bond with our dogs by participating in and promoting the artful sport of canine freestyle dance.
Our club hosts two major events a year; a titling event in the Sport of Canine Musical Freestyle in the Spring at the Jefferson County Fairgrounds and a K-9 Freestyle Dance Camp in the Fall at Salvation Army Lake Camp in East Troy. We hold regular monthly meetings as well as hold club events. Our members give back to our communities to entertain for nursing homes, senior centers, schools, day care centers, rescue organizations, community fundraisers and wherever their paws are welcomed.
We are a new organization in Wisconsin, established in 2004 and are part of the World Canine Freestyle Organization. The founding members of Dancers with Woofs are Gigi Jones, Amy Stern, Cathe Kemp, Cheryle Homuth, Diane Jones, Jean Jahnke, Patti Muraczewski, Robert Wasielewski, and Sharon Cerny.

If you might be interested in scheduling a demo, please contact Diane Jones at 414-322-1831.
If you are interested in being part of this organization, e-mail Elaine Rahn at pawsandhooves@tds.net.
We love to dance with our dogs and if you would like to learn, classes are offered at For Pets Sake Dog Training in Mukwonago.
Hope to see you at our next club meeting!
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